Amelia Holcomb

Software Engineer

PQFabric: A Permissioned Blockchain Secure from Both Classical and Quantum Attacks

Amelia Holcomb · Geovandro Pereira · Bhargav Das · Michele Mosca

In this paper, we implemented a version of Hyperledger Fabric, an industry-standard permissioned blockchain, that is secure against both quantum and classical attacks.

PQFabric is backwards-compatible for easy migration and flexible enough to support different post-quantum cryptographic signature algorithms. Through benchmark tests of an instantiation of Fabric, we provide a baseline performance comparison between transactions that use classical and hybrid quantum-classical cryptography. We draw on our experience implementing PQFabric to provide recommendations for production systems looking to prepare for an upcoming post-quantum migration, and highlight areas of Fabric and Golang that are inconsistent in a hybrid quantum-classical world.

We presented this work at the 2021 IEEE Conference on Blockchains and Cryptocurrency.

Read the full paper on IEEE